Kidron Wastewater Treatment Project

Kidron Wastewater Treatment Project – from East Jerusalem to the Dead Sea Region
The Kidron Basin extends from the city of Jerusalem to the Dead Sea in the east.
Today, the sewage basin is being discharged from the Jerusalem Kidron Basin, the Northern Degrees Basin and the Palestinian communities (PA).
These wastewater flow freely down the stream without treatment to the Dead Sea area.
These wastewater pollutes the area, thereby damaging the environmental values, heritage values ​​and quality of life of the residents.
the project contains:
New sewerage collections of about 40 km in diameters varying from 80-100 cm from the Jerusalem area to the OG wastewater treatment facility, to prevent free flow in the stream By them(8 KM are in the PA areas and will be erected by them), and the restoration of the creek.

Building Pre-wastewater treatment facility and regulation pool in Jerusalem, including arranging access through the Kidron River and drainage.
Building a concession facility in the area of ​​the agreement east of the PA.
Placing 1.3 km long infrastructure tunnel for the passage of sewage collections.
Hurkania Reservoir Expansion.
Extension and upgrading of the OG wastewater facility

Tunnel works for laying longitudinal pipes