The Green Line - the light rail project in Tel Aviv
Watch ProjectThe Purple Line - The light rail project in Tel Aviv
Watch ProjectRoad 85/784 Interchange
Watch ProjectRed line - Light Train Tel Aviv
Watch ProjectJerusalem entrance - Shazar parking lot
Watch ProjectHighway 531 - Ra'ananna South
Watch ProjectRoute 35 (Kiryat Gat)
Watch ProjectHighway 5 - Rosh HaAyin
Watch ProjectHighway 44 - 208 level seperator
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W Wolfson Interchange
Watch ProjectKaplan St. underpass
Watch ProjectLa Guardia and Hamasger Grade Separation
Watch ProjectHighway no. 3 expansion
Watch ProjectJerusalem- TLV fast track train
Watch ProjectRa'anana north interchange
Watch ProjectHighway 10
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W - Hel-Hashiryon
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W – Holon
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W - Yoseftal interchange
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W - Dov Hoz
Watch ProjectAyalon H.W - Beit Ha’Biluim
Watch Project
Conzol Yedioth Aharonot – a service way to Azrieli Center
Over the Ayalon Highway, along the 100 meters between the Noah Moses Bridge and the Azrieli center, the company constructed a service road to the Azrieli Center, which would serve as an additional entrance to the center.
This will be useful...

Achad Haam Street
The company conducted and supervised reconstruction works in Tel-Aviv Achad Haam St., replacing sewage, drainage, water, lighting, telephone and electricity systems, and paving the entire sidewalks and road.

The Tel-Aviv Basel Parking Lot
In this project, the company has built an underground parking lot in underground water conditions, under an active city road, moving and reconstructing complex urban infrastructure. In addition, it constructed an urban square of high level...

Tel-Aviv Hapil Interchange
This interchange was constructed in the junction of Moshe Sneh and Bnei Efraim Streets in Tel-Aviv, also known as Hapil Junction.
A ground-level bridge was built, with an arched underpass underneath it, from the north of Moshe Sneh St....

Expansion of the Noah Moses Bridge
The existing Noah Moses Bridge runs above the Ayalon Highways on the east-west axis, and includes one lane in each direction. The Noah Moses Bridge Expansion Project will add one more lane on each direction, as well as expanding the entire...

The Kirya Boulevard in Tel-Aviv
This project offered transportation solutions along the Narmir Rd. – Petah-Tikvah Rd. axis, for improving its level of service and accessibility to future projects that are planned along it. Urban design and looks were emphasized as well.

Nur – Kafumann
The company conducted and supervised the reconstruction works in Tel-Aviv Nur and Kafumnann Streets, replacing the sewage, drainage, water, lighting and telephone systems, and paving the entire sidewalks and roads.

Lincoln St.
The company conducted and supervised the reconstruction works in Tel-Aviv Lincoln St., replacing the sewage, drainage, water, lighting, telephone and electricity systems, and paving the sidewalks and road along the entire street.

Arvey Nachal – Aliyat Hanoar
The company conducted and supervised the reconstruction works in Arvey Nachal St. and Aliyat Hanoar St. in Tel-Aviv and Givatayim, replacing the sewage, drainage, water, lighting, telephone and electricity systems, and paving the sidewalks and...

Highway 9 - level seperators
Project of paving a wide road for the regulation of longitudinal roads.
The project includes leveling separations through interchanges at the intersection between Highway 9 and the longitudinal routes - Road 4 and Highway 6.

Highway No. 1 - Hemed-Sakharov
The upgrade of Highway No. 1 in the section between Hemed and Sakharov is part of the project to upgrade Highway No. 1 in the section between Sha'ar Hagai interchange and Sakharov.
The project includes adding a third lane along the way, adding...

The Nitzana Bridge - route 211
Construction of a bridge on Route 211, 200 meters long and 15 meters wide in an expedited process.
The bridge was built on a short schedule and was designed to replace an existing bridge.

Yavneh interchange - 2nd stage
Construction of a main interchange above Highway 4 connecting the city of Yavneh with the national road system.
The project included the construction of a bridge over Highway 4, the paving of connecting ramps, landscape development, relocation...

volovelsky loop
Construction of a curved tunnel under the Begin road in Tel Aviv, coming from Ramat Gan, Bnei Brak and Givatayim to the northern CBD area.
The project included a tunnel for vehicles, a tunnel for pedestrians, relocation of metropolitan...

Be'er Ya'akov - level seperation
Construction of a sunken interchange to separate vehicles and trains.
The project included the construction of bridges, retaining walls, water infrastructure, sewage, drainage, electricity and communications. Paving, marking and traffic signs,...

Beit Gamliel - level separation
Construction of a level separation over Highway 410 and a railway track, while regulating the entrance to Beit Gamliel settlement and the adjacent industrial zone

Carlibach - HaHeshmonaim
Upgrading all wet infrastructure, electricity and communication infrastructure, development work and paving work on Carlibach and HaHeshmonaim St. in Tel Aviv.